
3 thoughts on “Don’t swap one false teacher or gospel for another…escape them all.

  1. Thank you for this video! We have bounced around plenty and I’m done. Worn out. I just want my Bible. I think most all denominations have got something incorrect with them. Someone suggested we try a reformed church but I don’t like the idea of following Calvin’s teachings either. We have young kids and want to raise them in the church but it’s been difficult finding something biblically solid.

    • Wow! For a minute, I thought I had written this. I can identify with all you said. Calvinism is also a man made doctrine. You’re right to flee them all and don’t look back. Teach your kids all you can from the Bible and earn them about what is false in the church. I wish someone would have taught that to me because it would have spared me some pain.

  2. We have not been in “church” for over 20 years. We have sought the Lord and visited around but seems as if we are surrounded by heresy. We are raising our 9 year old grandson so we just stay in the bible with him and watch biblically sound teaching. And try to be disciples of our Lord and let him see that. Just sharing this is always painful because people say “you are forsaking the assembling of yourselves” Heb 10:25 Which just adds to the pain of being “outside the camp, bearing His reproach”. We have studied and studied Heb 10:25 It was written to Hebrews who had left Judaism and were being warned not to go back because of what they were suffering for being identified with Christ. We have not left Christ and He has not left us. Sorry for rambling on about this but it is a sore spot we have endured. We believe the Lord will unite us with others maybe one day (underground church?) will see what happens = )

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